Sabtu, 09 April 2011

[cia-drugs] World Globalization of the Banking and Regulatory Structure, Part 1 norgesen Mon, 29 Jun 2009 13:32:33 -0700 WORLD GLOBALIZATION OF THE BANKING & REGULATORY STRUCTURE

By Joan Veon
June 29, 2009

BASEL, SWITZERLAND -The power base of the world has shifted…it is no longer in
London, New York City, Washington D. C., or Tokyo. Neither is it in Beijing or
Moscow. It is Basel, Switzerland. In 1930, the Bank for International
Settlements-BIS was set up as a result of the Young Plan which was named after
the man who presided over the Allied Reparation Committee, Owen D Young.

Basel was chosen as its location because everyone could get on a train from
anywhere in Europe to attend its meetings. When you walk out of the main train
station, the BIS is within easy walking distance of one block. A modern 18
story high building belies the power it extends globally. There is nothing
about the building that calls anyone’s attention to it other than the plaque
near the glass front doors that basically says it is private property. The
world’s power brokers walk to the BIS without fanfare and are set apart from
the citizenry by their business suit and ID pass.

Yet within its walls the world’s monetary system is being designing and
directed by many illuminated and brilliant people from inside and from without,
those who visit regularly from all over the world include: central bank
ministers, treasury secretaries, regulators, insurance supervisors, deposit
insurers and accountants. Truly the BIS is all powerful. Dr. Carroll Quigley in
his book, Tragedy and Hope, wrote that,

The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less
than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to
dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a
whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central
banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreement, arrived at in
frequent meetings and conferences. The apex was to be the Bank for
International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland (pp. 324-25).

If this power was not evident before, it is in the process of becoming greater
and more immense. While the BIS has always been the focal point of central bank
activity globally, it now is finalizing the structure Dr. Quigley wrote about.
Bi-monthly, the Group of Ten central bankers, along with those from majoring
developing nations come together to discuss global monetary policy, among other
things. Over the years it has expanded to the point that every aspect of
banking, finance, insurance, deposit insurance, and regulation now constitute
its core workings.

In the mid-1990s the word “globalization” came into our vocabularies as we were
faced with naming the process whereby the barriers between the countries of the
world started to fall. Beginning with the establishment of the International
Monetary Fund and World Bank in 1944, the financial barriers between countries
fell; with the establishment of the United Nations in 1945, the political
barriers fell; with the establishment of the World Trade Organization in 1994,
the trade barriers fell; with the establishment of the International Criminal
Court in 1998, the legal barriers fell; and with the September 11, 2001 attack
on the World Trade Center, the military and intelligence barriers fell.

Similarly, during the 1990s, the Bank for International Settlements started to
set up its own level of globalization. In1998, the International Association of
Insurance Supervisors was set up and is comprised of insurance supervisors from
all over the world. In 1999, the Financial Stability Forum was set up which was
comprised of the Group of Seven treasury secretaries, central bankers, and
regulatory agencies. Recently this organization was expanded to include the
Group of Twenty. Then in 2002 the International Association of Deposit Insurers
was set up. This organization is comprised of the “FDICs” of the world. Another
organization which was set up in 1973 and then reconfigured in 1984 is the
International Organization of Security Commissions-IOSCO which is basically a
global “security and exchange” commission which has facilitated a global stock

What the 2008 Credit Crisis has provided is an opportunity to further enhance
and empower these organizations which will and are in the process of
transferring respective responsibilities from the national level to the global
level, thus completing the process of banking, insurance, auditing, accounting,
and regulatory globalization. It should be mentioned that in order for the
United States to play its role in this process, the Obama Administration will
have to set up a single national regulator over our seven different regulators
that currently work independently. This is so important a step that the
Financial Times recently ran an editorial on June 20 that warned America,

The need for thorough regulatory reform is still pressing. One concern stands
out: the risk of the whole financial system breaking down, as it did last
autumn. Those who want to give central banks the power and responsibility to
monitor systemic risks are right. They include the US Treasury, whose proposals
this week seek to turn the Federal Reserve into a systemic super-regulator.
These proposals are contested. They should not be; the alternatives are worse.
Reforms to rein in systemic risk must not now fall prey to politics. They must
be enacted before the memory of last autumn fades.

Let us examine what the first paragraph of the Bank for International
Settlements 79th Annual Report stated with regard to the credit crisis:

How could this happen? No one thought that the financial system could
collapse. Sufficient safeguards were in place. There was a safety net: central
banks that would lend when needed, deposit insurance and investor protections
that freed individuals from worrying about the security of their wealth,
regulators and supervisors to watch over individual institutions and keep
managers and owners from taking on too much risk. Since August 2007, the
financial system has experienced a sequence of critical failures.

While it provides their assessment of what went wrong, the report summarizes
the problem and the solution this way:

In summary, financial regulators, fiscal authorities, and central bankers
face enormous risks. Building a perfect, fail-safe financial system—one capable
of maintaining its normal state of operations in the event of a failure—is
impossible. Standing in the way are both innovation and the limits of human
understanding, especially regarding the complexity of the decentralized
financial world. We have no choice but to take up the challenge of first
repairing and then reforming the international financial system.

Their recommendations include the BIS standard-setting committees (the Basel
Committee on Banking Supervision, the Central Bank Governance Forum, the
Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems, and the Markets Committee) and the
Financial Stability Board. For our purposes we will discuss the newly
centralized power of the Financial Stability Board.

First it should be noted that with this kind of total economic and monetary
failure, the entire system should be scrapped and perhaps we should go back to
being individual nation-states, but you see for their purposes, they are
expanding and empowering another level of control which will move the assets of
the entire world into their domain. No physical war, no guns, no
bullets—electronic financial warfare.

The Financial Stability Board was originally the Financial Stability Forum-FSF.
When it was set up in 1999, I interviewed its Secretary-General, Svein Andresen
who told me that there was no guarantee that it would be able to protect the
global system from problems. However, it was believed that if you brought the
central bank ministers together with the treasury secretaries and the
regulatory agencies from the Group of Seven countries that it would provide a
framework to protect the global financial system. Obviously they failed in
their mission. The alternative instead of liquidating the FSF was to expand and
empower it. When I asked FSB Chairman Mario Draghi about the role and input of
the international bankers like Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, he replied,

We are in contact with various --say bankers association, market
association—banks, hedge funds, securities fora and lots of other bodies. We
look at what they do and then we make up our own mind. So it is an interesting
context but in the end, ours is a forum where you have the regulators—banking
regulators, market regulators, financial ministries and international
organization and institutions and standard setters. So it is our own mind in
the end which we look at.

It is important to note that the internationalization or globalization of the
financial system is here. It constitutes tearing down the final barrier between
the countries of the world. It has been almost fully operational for at least
10 years. At this point in the game, the integration between a handful of
international organizations is apparent.

The need to coordinate international accounting through the International
Accounting Standards Board with the American counterpart, Financial Accounting
Standards Board- FASB with the FSB and G20 is already happening. IOSCO is
working with the BIS Joint Forum and FSB. In order to develop high quality
international standards for auditing, assurance, ethics and education for
professional accountants, the Monitoring Group was set up and a Charter was put
in place in 2008 by Memorandum of Understanding. Those participating include:
IOSCO, the Basel Committee of Banking Supervision, the European Commission, the
International Association of Insurance Supervisors, the World Bank, the
Financial Stability Board and the International Forum of Independent Audit

There are so many working groups which now comprise a new level of regulatory
oversight operating internationally that it is almost impossible to go back to
the power of the individual nation-state. The number and the oversight of these
groups will make your head spin. Can we go back? Any country who would dare say
no would be completely destroyed—ask the 5 Asian countries that chose to say no
to the WTO Financial Services Agreement in the mid-1990s. It is now the
Financial Stability Board which is now empowered with becoming the “United
Nations of Financial and Regulatory Control” over countries.

© 2009 Joan Veon - All Rights Reserved

Joan Veon is a businesswoman and international reporter, who has covered over
100 Global meetings around the world since 1994. Please visit her website: To get a copy of her WTO report, send $10.00 to The
Women's International Media Group, Inc. P. O. Box 77, Middletown, MD 21769. For
an information packet, please call 301-371-0541



More Veon Articles:

Uga Wangsit Siliwangi

Carita Pantung Ngahiangna Pajajaran

Pun, sapun kula jurungkeun
Mukakeun turub mandepun
Nyampeur nu dihandeuleumkeun
Teundeun poho nu baréto
Nu mangkuk di saung butut
Ukireun dina lalangit
Tataheun di jero iga!


Saur Prabu Siliwangi ka balad Pajajaran anu milu mundur dina sateuacana ngahiang: Lalakon urang ngan nepi ka poé ieu, najan dia kabéhan ka ngaing pada satia! Tapi ngaing henteu meunang mawa dia pipilueun, ngilu hirup jadi balangsak, ngilu rudin bari lapar. Dia mudu marilih, pikeun hirup ka hareupna, supaya engké jagana, jembar senang sugih mukti, bisa ngadegkeun deui Pajajaran! Lain Pajajaran nu kiwari, tapi Pajajaran anu anyar, nu ngadegna digeuingkeun ku obah jaman! Pilih! ngaing moal ngahalang-halang. Sabab pikeun ngaing, hanteu pantes jadi Raja, anu somah sakabéhna, lapar baé jeung balangsak.

Daréngékeun! Nu dék tetep ngilu jeung ngaing, geura misah ka beulah kidul! Anu hayang balik deui ka dayeuh nu ditinggalkeun, geura misah ka beulah kalér! Anu dék kumawula ka nu keur jaya, geura misah ka beulah wétan! Anu moal milu ka saha-saha, geura misah ka beulah kulon!

Daréngékeun! Dia nu di beulah wétan, masing nyaraho: Kajayaan milu jeung dia! Nya turunan dia nu engkéna bakal maréntah ka dulur jeung ka batur. Tapi masing nyaraho, arinyana bakal kamalinaan. Engkéna bakal aya babalesna. Jig geura narindak!

Dia nu di beulah kulon! Papay ku dia lacak Ki Santang! Sabab engkéna, turunan dia jadi panggeuing ka dulur jeung ka batur. Ka batur urut salembur, ka dulur anu nyorang saayunan ka sakabéh nu rancagé di haténa. Engké jaga, mun tengah peuting, ti gunung Halimun kadéngé sora tutunggulan, tah éta tandana; saturunan dia disambat ku nu dék kawin di Lebak Cawéné. Ulah sina talangké, sabab talaga bakal bedah! Jig geura narindak! Tapi ulah ngalieuk ka tukang!

Dia nu marisah ka beulah kalér, daréngékeun! Dayeuh ku dia moal kasampak. Nu ka sampak ngan ukur tegal baladaheun. Turunan dia, lolobana bakal jadi somah. Mun aya nu jadi pangkat, tapi moal boga kakawasaan. Arinyana engké jaga, bakal ka seundeuhan batur. Loba batur ti nu anggang, tapi batur anu nyusahkeun. Sing waspada!

Sakabéh turunan dia ku ngaing bakal dilanglang. Tapi, ngan di waktu anu perelu. Ngaing bakal datang deui, nulungan nu barutuh, mantuan anu sarusah, tapi ngan nu hadé laku-lampahna. Mun ngaing datang moal kadeuleu; mun ngaing nyarita moal kadéngé. Mémang ngaing bakal datang. Tapi ngan ka nu rancagé haténa, ka nu weruh di semu anu saéstu, anu ngarti kana wangi anu sajati jeung nu surti lantip pikirna, nu hadé laku lampahna. Mun ngaing datang; teu ngarupa teu nyawara, tapi méré céré ku wawangi. Ti mimiti poé ieu, Pajajaran leungit ti alam hirup. Leungit dayeuhna, leungit nagarana. Pajajaran moal ninggalkeun tapak, jaba ti ngaran pikeun nu mapay. Sabab bukti anu kari, bakal réa nu malungkir! Tapi engké jaga bakal aya nu nyoba-nyoba, supaya anu laleungit kapanggih deui. Nya bisa, ngan mapayna kudu maké amparan. Tapi anu marapayna loba nu arieu-aing pang pinterna. Mudu arédan heula.

Engké bakal réa nu kapanggih, sabagian-sabagian. Sabab kaburu dilarang ku nu disebut Raja Panyelang! Aya nu wani ngoréhan terus terus, teu ngahiding ka panglarang; ngoréhan bari ngalawan, ngalawan sabari seuri. Nyaéta budak angon; imahna di birit leuwi, pantona batu satangtungeun, kahieuman ku handeuleum, karimbunan ku hanjuang. Ari ngangonna? Lain kebo lain embé, lain méong lain banténg, tapi kalakay jeung tutunggul. Inyana jongjon ngorehan, ngumpulkeun anu kapanggih. Sabagian disumputkeun, sabab acan wayah ngalalakonkeun. Engke mun geus wayah jeung mangsana, baris loba nu kabuka jeung raréang ménta dilalakonkeun. Tapi, mudu ngalaman loba lalakon, anggeus nyorang: undur jaman datang jaman, saban jaman mawa lalakon. Lilana saban jaman, sarua jeung waktuna nyukma, ngusumah jeung nitis, laju nitis dipinda sukma.

Daréngékeun! Nu kiwari ngamusuhan urang, jaradi rajana ngan bakal nepi mangsa: tanah bugel sisi Cibantaeun dijieun kandang kebo dongkol. Tah di dinya, sanagara bakal jadi sampalan, sampalan kebo barulé, nu diangon ku jalma jangkung nu tutunjuk di alun-alun. Ti harita, raja-raja dibelenggu. Kebo bulé nyekel bubuntut, turunan urang narik waluku, ngan narikna henteu karasa, sabab murah jaman seubeuh hakan.

Ti dinya, waluku ditumpakan kunyuk; laju turunan urang aya nu lilir, tapi lilirna cara nu kara hudang tina ngimpi. Ti nu laleungit, tambah loba nu manggihna. Tapi loba nu pahili, aya kabawa nu lain mudu diala! Turunan urang loba nu hanteu engeuh, yén jaman ganti lalakon ! Ti dinya gehger sanagara. Panto nutup di buburak ku nu ngaranteur pamuka jalan; tapi jalan nu pasingsal!

Nu tutunjuk nyumput jauh; alun-alun jadi suwung, kebo bulé kalalabur; laju sampalan nu diranjah monyét! Turunan urang ngareunah seuri, tapi seuri teu anggeus, sabab kaburu: warung béak ku monyét, sawah béak ku monyét, leuit béak ku monyét, kebon béak ku monyét, sawah béak ku monyét, cawéné rareuneuh ku monyét. Sagala-gala diranjah ku monyét. Turunan urang sieun ku nu niru-niru monyét. Panarat dicekel ku monyet bari diuk dina bubuntut. Walukuna ditarik ku turunan urang keneh. Loba nu paraeh kalaparan. ti dinya, turunan urang ngarep-ngarep pelak jagong, sabari nyanyahoanan maresék caturangga. Hanteu arengeuh, yén jaman geus ganti deui lalakon.

Laju hawar-hawar, ti tungtung sagara kalér ngaguruh ngagulugur, galudra megarkeun endog. Génjlong saamparan jagat! Ari di urang ? Ramé ku nu mangpring. Pangpring sabuluh-buluh gading. Monyét ngumpul ting rumpuyuk. Laju ngamuk turunan urang; ngamukna teu jeung aturan. loba nu paraéh teu boga dosa. Puguh musuh, dijieun batur; puguh batur disebut musuh. Ngadak-ngadak loba nu pangkat nu maréntah cara nu édan, nu bingung tambah baringung; barudak satepak jaradi bapa. nu ngaramuk tambah rosa; ngamukna teu ngilik bulu. Nu barodas dibuburak, nu harideung disieuh-sieuh. Mani sahéng buana urang, sabab nu ngaramuk, henteu beda tina tawon, dipaléngpéng keuna sayangna. Sanusa dijieun jagal. Tapi, kaburu aya nu nyapih; nu nyapihna urang sabrang.

Laju ngadeg deui raja, asalna jalma biasa. Tapi mémang titisan raja. Titisan raja baheula jeung biangna hiji putri pulo Dewata. da puguh titisan raja; raja anyar hésé apes ku rogahala! Ti harita, ganti deui jaman. Ganti jaman ganti lakon! Iraha? Hanteu lila, anggeus témbong bulan ti beurang, disusul kaliwatan ku béntang caang ngagenclang. Di urut nagara urang, ngadeg deui karajaan. Karajaan di jeroeun karajaan jeung rajana lain teureuh Pajajaran.

Laju aya deui raja, tapi raja, raja buta nu ngadegkeun lawang teu beunang dibuka, nangtungkeun panto teu beunang ditutup; nyieun pancuran di tengah jalan, miara heulang dina caringin, da raja buta! Lain buta duruwiksa, tapi buta henteu neuleu, buaya eujeung ajag, ucing garong eujeung monyét ngarowotan somah nu susah. Sakalina aya nu wani ngageuing; nu diporog mah lain satona, tapi jelema anu ngélingan. Mingkin hareup mingkin hareup, loba buta nu baruta, naritah deui nyembah berhala. Laju bubuntut salah nu ngatur, panarat pabeulit dina cacadan; da nu ngawalukuna lain jalma tukang tani. Nya karuhan: taraté hépé sawaréh, kembang kapas hapa buahna; buah paré loba nu teu asup kana aseupan............................. Da bonganan, nu ngebonna tukang barohong; nu tanina ngan wungkul jangji; nu palinter loba teuing, ngan pinterna kabalinger.

Ti dinya datang budak janggotan. Datangna sajamang hideung bari nyorén kanéron butut, ngageuingkeun nu keur sasar, ngélingan nu keur paroho. Tapi henteu diwararo! Da pinterna kabalinger, hayang meunang sorangan. Arinyana teu areungeuh, langit anggeus semu beureum, haseup ngebul tina pirunan. Boro-boro dék ngawaro, malah budak nu janggotan, ku arinyana ditéwak diasupkeun ka pangbérokan. Laju arinyana ngawut-ngawut dapur batur, majarkeun néangan musuh; padahal arinyana nyiar-nyiar pimusuheun.

Sing waspada! Sabab engké arinyana, bakal nyaram Pajajaran didongéngkeun. Sabab sarieuneun kanyahoan, saenyana arinyana anu jadi gara-gara sagala jadi dangdarat. Buta-buta nu baruta; mingkin hareup mingkin bedegong, ngaleuwihan kebo bulé. Arinyana teu nyaraho, jaman manusa dikawasaan ku sato!

Jayana buta-buta, hanteu pati lila; tapi, bongan kacarida teuing nyangsara ka somah anu pada ngarep-ngarep caringin reuntas di alun-alun. Buta bakal jaradi wadal, wadal pamolahna sorangan. Iraha mangsana? Engké, mun geus témbong budak angon! Ti dinya loba nu ribut, ti dapur laju salembur, ti lembur jadi sanagara! Nu barodo jaradi gélo marantuan nu garelut, dikokolotan ku budak buncireung! Matakna garelut? Marebutkeun warisan. Nu hawek hayang loba; nu boga hak marénta bagianana. Ngan nu aréling caricing. Arinyana mah ngalalajoan. Tapi kabarérang.

Nu garelut laju rareureuh; laju kakara arengeuh; kabéh gé taya nu meunang bagian. Sabab warisan sakabéh béak, béakna ku nu nyarekel gadéan. Buta-buta laju nyarusup, nu garelut jadi kareueung, sarieuneun ditempuhkeun leungitna nagara. Laju naréangan budak angon, nu saungna di birit leuwi nu pantona batu satangtung, nu dihateup ku handeuleum ditihangan ku hanjuang. Naréanganana budak tumbal. sejana dék marénta tumbal. Tapi, budak angon enggeus euweuh, geus narindak babarengan jeung budak anu janggotan; geus mariang pindah ngababakan, parindah ka Lebak Cawéné!

Nu kasampak ngan kari gagak, keur ngelak dina tutunggul. Daréngékeun! Jaman bakal ganti deui. tapi engké, lamun Gunung Gedé anggeus bitu, disusul ku tujuh gunung. Génjlong deui sajajagat. Urang Sunda disarambat; urang Sunda ngahampura. Hadé deui sakabéhanana. Sanagara sahiji deui. Nusa Jaya, jaya deui; sabab ngadeg ratu adil; ratu adil nu sajati.

Tapi ratu saha? Ti mana asalna éta ratu? Engké ogé dia nyaraho. Ayeuna mah, siar ku dia éta budak angon!

Jig geura narindak! Tapi, ulah ngalieuk ka tukang!, No:1 « Kekuatan Baru yang Sedang Lahir (New Emerging Forces) »

Submitted by penyunting on 6 Juni 2008
Dunia Baru
Penyunting (6 Juni 2008)

Dengan mengucap syukur, pada hari ini, 6 Juni 2008, dapat diakses lewat internet oleh khalayak luas. Diharapkan, materi-materi yang dimuat dalam kompilasi pertama ini, maupun berikutnya, bisa menjadi sumbangan bagi khasanah gerakan di Indonesia. berupaya menyajikan analisa dan laporan tentang pergerakan sosial, politik, budaya di penjuru bumi yang memperjuangkan dunia baru yang lebih manusiawi. Dikarenakan keterbatasan sumber daya pada saat ini, artikel-artikel yang telah dan akan dimuat sebagian besar masih berupa terjemahan dari tulisan-tulisan pilihan dalam bahasa inggris yang dinilai dapat bermanfaat bagi tiap insan berbahasa Indonesia yang menaruh minat dalam perjuangan kesejahteraan dan keadilan sosial. Namun ke depannya, diharapkan akan semakin banyak memuat tulisan penulis berbahasa Indonesia dan diskusi-diskusi ilmiah yang memajukan pemikiran progresif dan pergerakan di tanah air.

Mengapa NEFOS?

Istilah apa yang bisa menggambarkan dengan tepat fenomena internasional yang terjadi beberapa tahun belakangan ini? Kemajuan revolusioner di Venezuela pimpinan Chavez dan proses integrasi progresif Amerika Latin secara keseluruhan; kebangkitan gerakan rakyat Indian-Amerika di Bolivia dan Ekuador yang sejak pertemuannya dengan bangsa Eropa berabad-abad lalu menderita pemusnahan dan penindasan; kemajuan Revolusi Kuba yang tak hanya berhasil mempertahankan capaian revolusi namun semakin menularkan perlawanannya ke seluruh benua itu setelah mampu bertahan dari bencana ekonomi akibat keruntuhan mitra dagang terbesar mereka Uni Soviet; kegagah-beranian pejuang-pejuang Hisbullah Lebanon yang memukul mundur agresi militer imperialis Israel; keteguhan rakyat Palestina yang dicekik embargo AS-Eropa Barat, dibombardir tentara Zionis; baru-baru ini gerilyawan Maois Nepal dengan jitu mampu beralih dari perjuangan bersenjata ke parlemen dan, hebatnya, muncul sebagai pemenang demokrasi; dan tak kalah pentingnya adalah semakin meningkatnya gerakan rakyat di negeri-negeri maju dalam memprotes kejahatan-kejahatan imperialis elit-elit mereka; terakhir, yang masih hangat diperdebatkan makna progresifnya, adalah keberhasilan Barack Obama menjadi kandidat presiden yang kritis, anti-perang, dan berkulit hitam dalam negeri imperialis terbesar yang memiliki sejarah diskriminasi ras yang pelik.

Fenomena yang dapat dicap dengan berbagai macam isme ini - anti-imperialisme, anti-neoliberalisme, sosialisme, marxisme, fundamentalisme islam, bolivarianisme, maoisme, nasionalisme, bahkan liberalisme (di hadapan konservatisme) - secara garis besar dapat dilihat sebagai suatu reaksi balik dari peperangan imperialis, pemiskinan rakyat, penginjak-injakkan hak bangsa, yang semakin mendorong perjuangan untuk keadaan yang lebih baik, dunia baru yang lebih manusiawi. Memang ada juga istilah "gerakan anti-sistemik"* yang lebih mungkin mencakup fenomena tersebut, walaupun dalam tahap kini, gerakan-gerakan tersebut belum tentu menunjukkan karakter "anti-sistemik"-nya, yang lebih condong diartikan sebagai anti-sistem-yang-berlaku; yakni, "anti-kapitalis."

Sepertinya istilah New Emerging Forces (NEFOs) yang oleh Bung Karno dijabarkan dalam pidatonya, Genta Suara Revolusi (Gesuri), (1963) sebagai "satu kekuatan raksasa yang terdiri dari bangsa-bangsa dan golongan-golongan progresif yang hendak membangun satu Dunia Baru yang penuh dengan keadilan dan persahabatan antar-bangsa...yang penuh dengan perdamaian dan kesejahteraan...tanpa imperialisme dan kolonialisme dan exploitation de l'homme par l'homme et de nation par nation" [1] lebih cocok dan pas bukan saja untuk mengklasifikasikan, tapi juga untuk menghayati jiwa fenomena tersebut.

Oleh karena itu, artikel pembuka yang dipilih adalah tulisan Max Lane, seorang Indonesianis asal Australia yang sangat dekat dengan gerakan kiri di Indonesia, yang dapat mengingatkan kembali rakyat Indonesia tentang sejarahnya yang progresif di bawah pimpinan Bung Karno. Artikel "Oldefo vs Nefo" yang meskipun dimuat di Sinar Harapan enam tahun lalu, masih relevan dan dapat memberikan interpretasi yang inspiratif dan aktual terhadap konsep NEFOs yang berasal dari tahun 60an. Pengertian Oldefo Bung Karno, dijabarkan oleh Max Lane (2002) sebagai "pemerintah-pemerintah negara industri kapitalis bersama-sama elite feudal dan kompradore di negara-negara sedang berkembang." Sementara menurut Max Lane, di masa kini Oldefo mencakup juga badan-badan internasional seperti, salah satunya, WTO.

Artikel selanjutnya yang terbagi dalam dua bagian, "Krisis Pangan: Demonstrasi Terbesar Kegagalan Historik Model Kapitalis", ditulis oleh tokoh Ekososialis dari Kanada, Ian Angus, disertai seruan-seruan tuntutan menurut perspektif rakyat negeri maju. Oleh karena itu ia tidak memberi penekanan terhadap masalah pengembangan kapasitas industri pertanian di negeri dunia ketiga, sebagaimana biasa ditemukan dalam wacana kiri di Indonesia, melainkan pada kedaulatan negeri berkembang dalam menentukan jalan keluar yang terbaik dari krisis pertaniannya. Alternatif yang dibela Angus bukanlah mekanisasi pertanian a la Barat, melainkan pertanian organik berskala kecil-menengah seperti di Kuba, yang diklaimnya dapat lebih produktif dan, tentunya, ramah lingkungan.

Tulisan tersebut menggambarkan juga kebobrokan OLDEFOs yang dengan serakah menyebabkan kelaparan di negeri-negeri berkembang lewat praktek monopoli dan dagangnya yang tak adil. Krisis pangan yang didorong pula oleh krisis minyak, diprediksi akan menyebabkan pergolakan besar di dunia dalam waktu dekat ini. Presiden Nikaragua sekaligus pemimpin Sandinista, Daniel Ortega, menyatakan dalam KTT Pemimpin Amerika Latin yang membahas krisis pangan awal Mei ini, bahwa dalam tiap menit yang digunakan untuk berbicara dan bertukar ide, ada 12 anak di dunia meninggal karena kurang gizi. Dalam sejam, 720 anak di bawah 10 tahun meninggal kelaparan.**

Walau demikian, pembicaraan dalam KTT tersebut lebih berguna dibandingkan pertemuan negeri-negeri imperialis, karena secara kongkrit menangani masalah pangan dengan membina kerjasama regional untuk meningkatkan produksi pangan dan mengecam penetrasi produk pertanian bersubsidi dari negeri-negeri maju. Dalam hal ini, negeri-negeri Amerika Latin yang mulai condong ke kiri, menunjukkan capaian-capaian, atau setidaknya kebijakan-kebijakan, yang menggembirakan. Mereka yang peduli dengan ini tentunya ingin tahu bagaimana kaum kiri di Amerika Latin bisa menggunakan negara sebagai alat yang dahsyat untuk menggerakkan rakyatnya maupun menghimpun sumber daya demi menuntaskan permasalahan-permasalahan kesejahteraan yang telah terbengkalai dan bahkan diperparah oleh pemerintah pro-neoliberal yang mendahuluinya.

"Tujuan-tujuan Kaum Kiri dan Perdebatan Strategi Anti-Neoliberal Di Amerika Latin" - artikel terakhir dalam kompilasi pertama ini - ditulis oleh Steve Ellner, pengamat Venezuela dan Amerika Latin yang dihormati di kalangan intelektual benua tersebut. Artikel tersebut merupakan evaluasi terhadap kegagalan dan keberhasilan gerakan kiri di Amerika Latin dengan acuan tiga strategi anti-neoliberal utama, masing-masing digagas oleh intelektual kiri yang ternama.

Ketika pada 1980an Indonesia dan negeri-negeri "Macan Asia" mengalihkan ekonominya ke sektor eksport yang mengandalkan buruh murah, akibat booming minyak yang mulai menyusut, negeri-negeri Amerika Selatan memasuki masa 'krismon' dan sudah mulai terjerat oleh kebijakan IMF. Oleh karena itu wilayah tersebut dikenal juga sebagai laboratorium neoliberalisme. Hal yang menarik adalah wilayah tersebut kini pun menjadi proyek percontohan anti-neoliberalisme, di mana unsur-unsur NEFOs di belahan bumi lainnya dengan harap-harap cemas mengamati dan mempelajarinya.

Dengan alasan ini, diharapkan bisa berperan dalam proses pembelajaran tersebut di nusantara, dengan menghadirkan dokumen-dokumen yang ilmiah dan informatif ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Sangat disadari bahwa masih jauh dari sempurna dan banyak memuat kesalahan. Untuk itu koreksi, saran dan komentar dari pembaca akan disambut dengan tangan terbuka.

Terimakasih dan Selamat Membac

Fixing the Weight of the Gold Dollar, 1934

Whereas, by virtue of Section 1 of the Act of Congress approved March 14, 1900 (31 Stat. L. 45), the present weight of the gold dollar is fixed at 25.8 grains of gold nine-tenths fine; and

Whereas, by Section 43, Title III of the Act approved May 12,1933 (Public, No. 10, 73d Cong.), as amended by Section 12 of the Gold Reserve Act of 1934, it is provided in part as follows:

"Whenever the President finds, upon investigation, that (1) the foreign commerce of the United States is adversely affected by reason of the depreciation in the value of the currency of any other Government or Governments in relation to the present standard value of gold, or (2) action under this section is necessary in order to regulate and maintain the parity of currency issues of the United States, or (3) an economic emergency requires an expansion of credit, or (4) an expansion of credit is necessary to secure by international agreement a stabilization at proper levels of the currencies of various Governments, the President is authorized, in his discretion—

"(a) To direct the Secretary of the Treasury to enter into agreements with the several Federal Reserve Banks and with the Federal Reserve Board whereby the Federal Reserve Board will, and it is hereby authorized to, notwithstanding any provisions of law or rules and regulations to the contrary, permit such Reserve banks to agree that they will, (1) conduct, pursuant to existing law, throughout specified periods, open market operations in obligations of the United States Government or corporations in which the United States is the majority stockholder, and (2) purchase directly and hold in portfolio for an agreed period or periods of time Treasury bills or other obligations of the United States Government in an aggregate sum of $3,000,000,000 in addition to those they may then hold, unless prior to the termination of such period or periods the Secretary shall consent to their sale. No suspension of reserve requirements of the Federal Reserve Banks, under the terms of section 11 (c) of the Federal Reserve Act, necessitated by reason of operations under this section, shall require the imposition of the graduated tax upon any deficiency in reserves as provided in said section 11 (c). Nor shall it require any automatic increase in the rates of interest or discount charged by any Federal Reserve Bank, as otherwise specified in that section. The Federal Reserve Board, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, may require the Federal Reserve banks to take such action as may be necessary, in the judgment of the Board and of the Secretary of the Treasury, to prevent undue credit expansion.

(b) If the Secretary, when directed by the President, is unto secure the assent of the several Federal Reserve Banks and the Federal Reserve Board to the agreements authorized in this section, or if operations under the above provisions prove to be inadequate to meet the purposes of this section, or if for any other reason additional measures are required in the judgment of the President to meet such purposes, then the President is authorized —

"(2) By proclamation to fix the weight of the gold dollar in grains nine-tenths fine and also to fix the weight of the silver dollar in grains nine-tenths fine at a definite fixed ratio in relation to the gold dollar at such amounts as he finds necessary from his investigation to stabilize domestic prices or to protect the foreign commerce against the adverse effect of depreciated foreign currencies, and to provide for the unlimited coinage of such gold and silver at the ratio so fixed, or in case the Government of the United States enters into an agreement with any Government or Governments under the terms of which the ratio between the value of gold and other currency issued by the United States and by any such Government or Governments is established, the President may fix the weight of the gold dollar in accordance with the ratio so agreed upon, and such gold dollar, the weight of which is so fixed, shall be the standard unit of value, and all forms of money issued or coined by the United States shall be maintained at a parity with this standard and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to maintain such parity, but in no event shall the weight of the gold dollar be fixed so as to reduce its present weight by more than 50 per centum. Nor shall the weight of the gold dollar be fixed in any event at more than 60 per centum of its present weight. The powers of the President specified in this paragraph shall be deemed to be separate, distinct, and continuing powers, and may be exercised by him, from time to time, severally or together, whenever and as the expressed objects of this section in his judgment may require; except that such powers shall expire two years after the date of enactment of the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 unless the President shall sooner declare the existing emergency ended, but the President may extend such period for not more than one additional year after such date by proclamation recognizing the continuance of such emergency"; and

Whereas, I find, upon investigation, that the foreign commerce of the United States is adversely affected by reason of the depreciation in the value of the currencies of other Governments in relation to the present standard value of gold, and that an economic emergency requires an expansion of credit; and

Whereas, in my judgment, measures additional to those provided by sub-section (a) of said section 43 are required to meet the purposes of such section; and

Whereas, I find, from my investigation, that, in order to stabilize domestic prices and to protect the foreign commerce against the adverse effect of depreciated foreign currencies, it is necessary to fix the weight of the gold dollar at 15 5/21 grains ninetenths fine,

Now, Therefore, be it known that I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States, by virtue of the authority vested in me by section 43, Title III, of said act of May 12, 1933, as amended, and by virtue of all other authority vested in me, do hereby proclaim, order, direct, declare, and fix the weight of the gold dollar to be 15 5/21 grains nine-tenths fine, from and after the date and hour of this Proclamation. The weight of the silver dollar is not altered or affected in any manner by reason of this Proclamation.

This Proclamation shall remain in force and effect until and unless repealed or modified by act of Congress or by subsequent Proclamation; and notice is hereby given that I reserve the right by virtue of the authority vested in me to alter or modify this Proclamation as the interest of the United States may seem to require.

History of the Federal Reserve (Money Masters)

Also watch FIREWALL: ( "The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole...Their secret is that they have annexed from governments, monarchies, and republics the power to create the world's money..." THE MONEY MASTERS is a 3 1/2 hour non-fiction, historical documentary that traces the origins of the political power structure that rules our nation and the world today. The modern political power structure has its roots in the hidden manipulation and accumulation of gold and other forms of money. The development of fractional reserve banking practices in the 17th century brought to a cunning sophistication the secret techniques initially used by goldsmiths fraudulently to accumulate wealth. With the formation of the privately-owned Bank of England in 1694, the yoke of economic slavery to a privately-owned "central" bank was first forced upon the backs of an entire nation, not removed but only made heavier with the passing of the three centuries to our day. Nation after nation, including America, has fallen prey to this cabal of international central bankers. Segments: The Problem; The Money Changers; Roman Empire; The Goldsmiths of Medieval England; Tally Sticks; The Bank of England; The Rise of the Rothschilds; The American Revolution; The Bank of North America; The Constitutional Convention; First Bank of the U.S.; Napoleon's Rise to Power; Death of the First Bank of the U.S. / War of 1812; Waterloo; Second Bank of the U.S.; Andrew Jackson; Fort Knox; World Central Bank; Loose Change 911 truth police state globalists NWO New World Order Federal Reserve Alex Jones Aaron Russo America From Freedom To Fascism zionist IMF BIS John Perkins 911 911 Globalism bilderberg Rothschild Rockefeller Schiff Warburg illuminati bohemian grove idi amin freemason Also recommended: "Firewall: In Defense of Nation State" Video news on "Federal Reserve":

Bretton Woods Agreement

Bretton Woods Agreement

By Addison Wiggin • November 29th, 2006 • Related Articles • Filed Under
The year was 1944. For the first time in modern history, an international agreement was reached to govern monetary policy among nations. It was, significantly, a chance to create a stabilizing international currency and ensure monetary stability once and for all. In total, 730 delegates from 44 nations met for three weeks in July that year at a hotel resort in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire.

It was a significant opportunity. But it fell short of what could have been achieved. It was a turning point in monetary history, however.

The result of this international meeting, the Bretton Woods Agreement, had the original purpose of rebuilding after World War II through a series of currency stabilization programs and infrastructure loans to war-ravaged nations. By 1946, the system was in full operation through the newly established International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD, the World Bank) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

What makes the Bretton Woods Agreement so interesting to us today is the fact that the whole plan for international monetary policy was based on nations agreeing to adhere to a global gold standard. Each country signing the agreement promised to maintain its currency at values within a narrow margin to the value of gold. The IMF was established to facilitate payment imbalances on a temporary basis.

This system worked for 25 years. But it was flawed in its underlying assumptions. By pegging international currency to gold at $35 an ounce, it failed to take into effect the change in gold's actual value since 1934, when the $35 level had been set. The dollar had lost substantial purchasing power during and after World War II, and as European economies built back up, the ever-growing drain on U.S. gold reserves doomed the Bretton Woods Agreement as a permanent, working system.

This problem was described by a former senior vice president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York:

"From the very beginning, gold was the vulnerable point of the Bretton Woods system. Yet the open-ended gold commitment assumed by the United States government under the Bretton Woods legislation is readily understandable in view of the extraordinary circumstances of the time. At the end of the war, our gold stock amounted to $20 billion, roughly 60 percent of the total of official gold reserves. As late as 1957, United States gold reserves exceeded by a ratio of three to one the total dollar reserves of all the foreign central banks. The dollar bestrode the exchange markets like a colossus."

In 1971, experiencing accelerating depletion of its gold reserves, the United States removed its currency from the gold standard, and the Bretton Woods Agreement was no longer workable.

In some respects, the ideas behind Bretton Woods were much like an economic United Nations. The combination of the worldwide depression of the 1930s and the Second World War were key in leading so many nations to an economic summit of such magnitude. The opinion of the day was that trade barriers and high costs had caused the worldwide depression, at least in part. Also, during that time it was common practice to use currency devaluation as a means for affecting neighboring countries' imports and reducing payment deficits. Unfortunately, the practice led to chronic deflation, unemployment, and a reduction in international trade. The lessons learned in the 1930s (but subsequently forgotten by many nations) included a realization that the use of currency as a tactical economic tool invariably causes more problems than it solves.

The situation was summed up well by Cordell Hull, U.S. secretary of state from 1933 through 1944, who wrote:

"Unhampered trade dovetailed with peace; high tariffs, trade barriers, and unfair economic competition, with war... If we could get a freer flow of trade ... so that one country would not be deadly jealous of another and the living standards of all countries might rise, thereby eliminating the economic dissatisfaction that breeds war, we might have a reasonable chance of lasting peace."

Hull's suggestion that war often has an economic root is reasonable given the position of both Germany and Japan in the 1930s. The trade embargo imposed by the United States against Japan, specifically intended to curtail Japanese expansion, may have been a leading cause for Japan's militaristic stance.

Another observer agreed, saying that poor economic relations among nations "inevitably result in economic warfare that will be but a prelude and instigator of military warfare on an even vaster scale."

Bretton Woods had the original intention of smoothing out economic conflict, in recognition of the problems that economic disparity causes. The nations at the meeting knew that these economic problems were at least partly to blame for the war itself, and that economic reform would help to prevent future wars. At that time, the United States was without any doubt the most powerful nation in the world, both militarily and economically. Because the fighting did not take place on U.S. soil, the country built up its industrial might during the war, selling weapons to its allies while developing its own economic strength. Manufacturing by 1945 was twice the annual rate of 1935-1939.

Due to its economic dominance, the United States held the leadership role at Bretton Woods. It is also important to note that the United States owned 80 percent of the world's gold reserves at the time. So the United States had every motive to agree to the use of the gold standard to organize world currencies and to create and encourage free trade. The gold standard evolved over a period of hundreds of years, planned by a central bank, government, or committee of business leaders.

Throughout most of the nineteenth century, the gold standard dominated currency exchange. Gold created a fixed exchange rate between nations. Money supply was limited to gold reserves, so nations lacking gold were required to borrow money to finance their production and investment.

When the gold standard was in force, it was true that the net sum of trade surplus and deficit came out to zero overall, because accounts were eventually settled in gold - and credit was limited as well. In comparison, in today's fiat money system, it is not gold but credit that determines how much money a country can spend. So instead of economic might being dictated by gold reserves, it is dictated by a country's borrowing power. The trade deficit and the trade surplus are only "in balance" in theory, because the disparity between the two sides is funded with debt.

The pegged rates - the value of currency to the value of gold - maintained sensible economic policy based on a nation's productivity and gold reserves. Following Bretton Woods, the pegged rate was formalized by agreement among the leading economic powers of the world.

The concept was a good one. However, in practice the international currency naturally became the U.S. dollar and other nations pegged their currencies to the dollar rather than to the value of gold. The actual outcome of the Bretton Woods Agreement was to replace the gold standard with the dollar standard. Once the United States linked the dollar to gold at a value of $35 per ounce, the whole system fell into place, at least for a while. Since the dollar was convertible to gold and other nations pegged their currencies to the dollar, it created a pseudo-gold standard.

The British economist John Maynard Keynes represented Great Britain at Bretton Woods. Keynes preferred establishing a system that would have encouraged economic growth rather than a gold-pegged system. He favored creation of an international central bank and possibly even a world currency. He proposed that the goal of the conference was "to find a common measure, a common standard, a common rule acceptable to each and not irksome to any."

Keynes' ideas were not accepted. The United States, in its leading economic position, preferred the plan offered by its representative, Harry Dexter White. The U.S. position was intended to create and maintain price stability rather than outright economic growth. As a consequence, Third World progress would be achieved through lending and infrastructure investment through the IMF, which was charged with managing trade deficits to avoid currency devaluation.

In joining the IMF, each country was assigned a trade quota to fund the international effort, budgeted originally at $8.8 billion. Disparity among countries was to be managed through a series of borrowings. A country could borrow from the IMF, which would be acting in fact like a central bank.

The Bretton Woods Agreement did not include any provisions for creation of reserves. The presumption was that gold production would be sufficient to continue funding growth and that any short term problems could be resolved through the borrowing regimens.

Anticipating a high volume of demand for such lending in reconstruction efforts after World War II, the Bretton Woods attendees formed the IBRD, providing an additional $10 billion to be paid by member nations. As well-intended an idea as it was, the agreements and institutions that grew from Bretton Woods were not adequate for the economic problems of postwar Europe. The United States was experiencing huge trade surplus years while carrying European war debt. U.S. reserves were huge and growing each year.

By 1947, it became clear that the IMF and IBRD were not going to fix the problems of European postwar economic woes. To help address the issue, the United States set up a system to help finance recovery among European countries. The European Recovery Program (better known as the Marshall Plan) was organized to give grants to countries to rebuild. The problems of European nations, according to Secretary of State George Marshall, "are so much greater than her present ability to pay that she must have substantial help or face economic, social, and political deterioration of a very grave character."

Between 1948 and 1954, the United States gave 16 Western European nations $17 billion in grants. Believing that former enemies Japan and Germany would provide markets for future U.S. exports, policies were enacted to encourage economic growth. During this period, the Cold War became increasingly worse as the arms race continued. The USSR had signed the Bretton Woods Agreement, but it refused to join or participate in the IMF.

Thus, the proposed economic reforms turned into part of the struggle between capitalism and Communism on the world stage.

It became increasingly difficult to maintain the peg of the U.S. dollar to $35-per-ounce gold. An open market in gold continued in London, and crises affected the going value of gold. The conflict between the fixed price of gold between central banks at $35 per ounce and open market value depended on the moment. During the Cuban missile crisis, for example, the open market value of gold was $40 per ounce. The mood among U.S. leaders began moving away from belief in the gold standard.

President Lyndon B. Johnson argued in 1967 that:

"The world supply of gold is insufficient to make the present system workable - particularly as the use of the dollar as a reserve currency is essential to create the required international liquidity to sustain world trade and growth."

By 1968, Johnson had enacted a series of measures designed to curtail the outflow of U.S. gold. Even so, on March 17, 1968, a run on gold closed the London Gold Pool permanently. By this time, it had become clear that maintaining the gold standard under the Bretton Woods configuration was no longer practical. Either the monetary system had to change or the gold standard itself would need to be revised.

During this period, the IMF set up Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) for use as trade between countries. The intention was to create a type of paper gold system, while taking pressure off the United States to continue serving as central banker to the world. However, this did not solve the problem; the depletion of U.S. gold reserves continued until 1971. By that time, the U.S. dollar was overvalued in relation to gold reserves. The United States held only 22 percent gold coverage of foreign reserves by that year. SDRs acted as a basket of key national currencies to facilitate the inevitable trade imbalances.

However, the Bretton Woods Agreement lacked any effective mechanism for checking reserve growth. Only gold and the U.S. asset were considered seriously as reserves, but gold production was lagging. Accordingly, dollar reserves had to expand to make up the difference in lagging gold availability, causing a growing U.S. current account deficit. The solution, it was hoped, would be the SDR.

While these instruments continue to exist, this long-term effectiveness can only be the subject of speculation. Today SDRs make up about 1 percent of IMF members' nongold reserves, and when in 1971 the United States went off the gold standard, Bretton Woods ceased to function as an effective centralized monetary body. In theory, SDRs - used today on a very limited scale of transactions between the IMF and its members - could function as the beginnings of an international currency. But given the widespread use of the U.S. dollar as the peg for so many currencies worldwide, it is unlikely that such a shift to a new direction will occur before circumstances make it the only choice.

The Bretton Woods system collapsed, partially due to economic expansion in excess of the gold standard's funding abilities on the part of the United States and other member nations. However, the problems of currency systems not pegged to gold lead to economic problems far worse.

Addison Wiggin
The Daily Reckoning

Editor's Note: Addison Wiggin is the editorial director and publisher of The Daily Reckoning. Mr. Wiggin is also the author, with Bill Bonner, of the international bestseller Financial Reckoning Day and the upcoming thriller Empire of Debt. Mr. Wiggin is frequent guest on national radio and television programs.

Ini salah satu Dewi Sukarno surat yang kirimkan kepada Presiden Nixon

His Excellency President Gerald Ford
The White House Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. President, |

As the widow of the late President Sukarno and being the only
member of the family living overseas, I address myself to you,
being deeply alarmed and disturbed by numerous and persistent
reports in the international press. For instance, the CIA is
said to have spied on my husband : manufactured a fake film in
order to slander the good name and honor of Sukarno: prepared
an assassination attempt against him and conspired to oust him
from power to estrange him from the Indonesian people by
accusing him of collaborating with international communism in
betrayal of Indonesian independence, which of course was totally absurd.

My husband has repeatedly informed me that he was fully aware of
these immoral, illegal, subversive, anti-Indonesian activities
against his beloved Indonesia, his people, and against him

I would like to request from you, as well as from the responsible Congressional Committees in the United States a full explanation
about these reports and reprehensible practices as carried out by
an official United States Government Agency in the name of several American Presidents and Governments.

Both in 1948 and in 1965, the CIA directly interfered in
the internal affairs of Indonesia. In 1948, this monstrous action
led to civil war. In 1965, it led to the ultimate takeover by a
pro-American military regime, while hundreds of thousands of
innocent peasants and loyal citizens were massacred in the name of
this insane crusade against international communism.
Still today, ten years later, many tens of thousands of true patriots and Sukarnoists are locked up in jails and concentration camps being denied the simplest and most elementary human rights. American companies and aggressive foreign interests are indiscriminately plundering the natural riches of Indonesia to the advantage of the
few and the disadvantage of the millions of unemployed and
impoverished masses.

I must now ask you, Mr. President, in the name of freedom and
justice, in the name of decency in relations between states and statesmen, between powerful nations and developing lands, in the
name of the Indonesian people and the Sukarno family:
did the United States of America commit these hideous crimes against Indonesia and against the founder of the nation?
Will your Government be prepared to accept responsibility for these evil practices? Over one hundred million Indonesians have been brainwashed, as was the rest of the world by the present regime’s propaganda to believe that the communists carried out the

My countrymen, as well as everyone else, have the right to know the truth of the historic facts. It will be the painful duty for
America now to reveal the CIA involvement in Indonesia and release
all information and documents relevant to who really initiated the terrifying bloodbath that led to the overthrow of the legal
Government and to the inhuman treatment in house arrest lasting
three years until my husband’s death.

In closing, I would like to strongly appeal to you, Mr. President,
to use your influence with the military regime in Jakarta, to immediately free those many thousands of political prisoners,
men and women, former cabinet ministers, writers and journalists,
who I know are entirely innocent of the crime of reason they have
been accused of. If the United States were to be instrumental in helping to improve the fate of so many thousands of courageous compatriots, I think the entire Indonesian nation would be grateful
and Indonesians would regain their confidence in America’s
intentions towards the Third World.


R. S. Dewi Sukarno
July 24, 1975